The Third Day Syndrome

There is this phenomenon in sailing that happens on just about your third day of an ocean crossing.  The evening of day two you will usually be sitting, looking back at where land used to be, wondering just what the…

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Bitchin Attitude – Wrong Way Bob

Wrong Bay Bob.  That is what they are calling me (I get no respect!) after a “little mishap” on the New Zealand Share the Sail, the story of which is in this issue.  Yes folks, I did it.  I screwed…

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Bitchin Attitude – The Most Civilized People

I really didn’t know what to think.  After we entered the harbor at Fatu Hiva in the Marqueses, we pulled in as close as we could to shore and set our hook in about 30 feet of crystal clear water. …

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Bitchin Attitude – Sugar Donuts

Jody and I decided to anchor in a very small and tucked away bay on the Island of Tahaa in the Society Islands of French Polynesia. For the previous couple months we’d had visitors who’d flown in to sail with…

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Jody Captures An Amazing Full Rainbow

Great photo! No Pot O’ gold? But Plenty Of POT!

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Bob Bitchin: On The Rocks (And How Not To Anchor)
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Bob Bitchin: ROGUE WAVE and blond ski Instructors in Hawaii
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Bob Bitchin: How I Created LATITUDES & ATTITUDES Magazine
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Bob Bitchin: Hangin’ with EVEL KNIEVEL
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Bob Bitchin: Sailing SAVED MY LIFE!
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